Know and be free Part 1 through 4


Bound each one is and this bondage irrespective of whether it is external or internal it binds. Subjectively one might feel or state that one is graver than the other or one is more intense or deep seated than the other which might be viewed superficial. We all the time go for quick fixes and these very measures bind us all the more. The quick fixes no doubt might be cheaper and appear doable, but then the help rendered is very little compared to the damage done, and ultimately rendering the very device useless.

Any action pattern resorted to certainly would



By | 2016-05-25T03:42:24+00:00 May 24th, 2016|Categories: Videos|Tags: |Comments Off on Know and be free Part 1 through 4
After graduating from the Center for Vedantic studies in Bombay, H. H. Sri Swami Brahmanistananda Saraswati completed advanced studies in Rishikesh and else where before opening his own Ashram in 1978. Sri Swamiji then spent several years lecturing and teaching at the invitation of many universities and centers across the U.S.A. and Canada.