Why should one meditate?

One should meditate because a non-meditative mind is   a mind that spins and projects and thereby creates a web of its own sucking the individual into its own mechanisations. The mind that generally is considered a blessing to a human being has turned out to be a big nuisance or a curse. Further, this very mind that each has, has turned out to be an obstacle in achieving religious and spiritual ends that one might want to achieve, draining away the energy instead of replenishing the personality with the needed energy. As the mind obtains right now in the vast majority of people also turns out to be a hindrance in gain of knowledge, which is the culmination of spiritual pursuit.

When we have to employ the mind for spiritual pursuits, there is a need for ‘single-pointedness’ and purity that also includes objectivity. In the process of living our lives we seem to have lost the mind that was  single-pointed or one-pointed  in our childhood. Meditation can be employed for regaining that frame of mind, apart from the dullness that it has inherited over the years. There are other issues too that have to be handled and meditation could be employed to take care of those issues too.

By | 2020-08-31T19:41:17+00:00 April 26th, 2016|0 Comments
After graduating from the Center for Vedantic studies in Bombay, H. H. Sri Swami Brahmanistananda Saraswati completed advanced studies in Rishikesh and else where before opening his own Ashram in 1978. Sri Swamiji then spent several years lecturing and teaching at the invitation of many universities and centers across the U.S.A. and Canada.

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